A new real-time solver for large-scale differential games.
This is the complete list of members for ilqgames::Problem, including all inherited members.
ConstructDynamics()=0 (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protectedpure virtual |
ConstructInitialOperatingPoint() (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ConstructInitialState()=0 (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protectedpure virtual |
ConstructInitialStrategies() (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ConstructPlayerCosts()=0 (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protectedpure virtual |
CurrentOperatingPoint() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inlinevirtual |
CurrentStrategies() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inlinevirtual |
Dynamics() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
dynamics_ (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
FlatDynamics() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
Initialize() (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inlinevirtual |
initialized_ (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
InitialState() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
InitialTime() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inlinevirtual |
IsConstrained() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | |
NormalDynamics() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
operating_point_ (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
OverwriteSolution(const OperatingPoint &operating_point, const std::vector< Strategy > &strategies) (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | virtual |
player_costs_ (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
PlayerCosts() (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
PlayerCosts() const (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
Problem() (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
ResetInitialState(const VectorXf &x0) (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
ResetInitialTime(Time t0) (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inline |
SetUpNextRecedingHorizon(const VectorXf &x0, Time t0, Time planner_runtime=0.1) (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | virtual |
strategies_ (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
SyncToExistingProblem(const VectorXf &x0, Time t0, Time planner_runtime, OperatingPoint &op) (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
x0_ (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | protected |
~Problem() (defined in ilqgames::Problem) | ilqgames::Problem | inlinevirtual |